Arab Meta Summit - Diversity & Inclusion in the Metaverse

Together with AMNA USMAN CHAUDHRY - Global Winner of the Woman in Web3.0 award, DR. LUISE FROHBERG - Founder at TAARA Quest, GABY K SLEZÁK - Co-Founder at UNYTED & HASAN DAYOUB - Senior Product Manager at Future LabY I spoke on the very important topic diversity and inclusion in the metaverse. We were exploring what global diversity really is, and how roleplaying can enhance our real life identities.

Ida Kymmer

Metaverse and Web3 strategist, advisor, and speaker. Strategic Biz Dev at Journee - The Metaverse Company. Mixed Movement Artist & Composer.

Third Academy - Metaverse Foundations Course Mentor


Arab Blockchain Week - Governments & Metaverse: Opportunities & Challenges